The Communauté d’Agglomération of the Presqu’île de Guérande (Cap Atlantique) is a local authority grouping together 15 municipalities spread over 2 departments (Loire-Atlantique and Morbihan) and 2 regions (Pays-de-la-Loire and Brittany): Baule-Escoublac, Guérande, Le Pouliguen, Batz-sur-Mer, Le Croisic, La Turballe, Piriac-sur-Mer, Mesquer, Saint-Molf, Assérac, Herbignac, Saint-Lyphard, Pénestin, Camoël and Férel.
Its missions are divided around 21 “usual” community powers such as waste management or wastewater treatment or more specific such as the protection of natural areas of community interest and aquatic environments.
As such, Cap Atlantique has been piloting since 2002 the implementation of Natura 2000 under the Birds and Habitats Directives on the sites of “Guérande salt marshes, Traits du Croisic, Pen-Bron dunes” and “Marais du Mès, bay and dunes of Pont-Mahé, pond of Pont-de-Fer”.
It has also been involved for many years in the fight against invasive exotic species, such as Baccharis halimifolia and aquatic rodents.
Finally, it’s in charge of coordinating the Water Program, in particular the “Aquatic environments” component for the restoration of aquatic environments throughout its territory.
Cap Atlantique is the coordinating beneficiary of LIFE Sallina, which it developed with the 4 other beneficiaries of the project. It’s the European Union contact for monitoring the project and guarantor of its effective implementation by all the beneficiaries, by providing technical and administrative support. As part of LIFE Sallina, Cap Atlantique will carry out ecological restoration work and hydraulic management in the salt marshes of Guérande and Mès, in particular on 15 pilot sites covering 260 ha. It also carries out actions to improve knowledge of the fauna and flora of the salt marshes as well as awareness-raising and communication actions.
Find more information on the other actions in favor of biodiversity carried out by Cap Atlantique at the following link https://www.cap-atlantique.fr/linstitution/les-politiques-publiques-de-cap-atlantique/biodiversite
- Contact
Valériane Métayer
Coordinatrice du LIFE Sallina

Roseline Guimard
Responsable administrative et financière du LIFE Sallina

Julie Racinne
Agent Life

Rémi Chalmel
Agent Life

For more information on the actions of Communauté de comune de l’Île de Noirmoutier: http://www.cdc-iledenoirmoutier.com
- Contact
Emmanuelle Message
Technicienne – Service Gestion et développement des marais

The Communauté de commune of Île de Noirmoutier (CCIN) is a territorial collectivity which gathers the four communes of the Island (Barbâtre, La Guérinière, L’Epine and Noirmoutier en l’Île) and whose main competences are the following:
- Development of community space: Territorial Coherence Scheme (SCOT) on the perimeter of five communities of municipalities (Pays de Challans, Pays de Palluau, Marais Breton Nord, Océan Marais de Monts and Île de Noirmoutier)
- Economic and tourist development: management of the tourist office, house of employment and solidarity, investment and operation of business parks …
- Environment: security of populations and goods facing the sea, sanitation of wastewater, actions in favor of marshes and the environment …
- Housing and living environment: housing, creation and development of cycle paths, school transport, support and support for higher education…
- Security of community interest (SDIS and SNSM)
- Cultural actions: support for inter-municipal cultural events, musical awakening, etc.
- Geographic information system
- Multidisciplinary health center
The Community of Communes of the Island of Noirmoutier is very involved in the missions of conservation, protection and enhancement of the natural areas which it manages. She is notably a manager in partnership with the Pays de la Loire region of the Polder du Sébastopol Regional Nature Reserve.
In the LIFE Sallina project, the CCIN is carrying out preparatory actions (regulatory studies and improvement of knowledge with a study of characterization of the scirpaies). It has also embarked on a land acquisition process on the pilot sites. The CCIN is the owner of works to combat invasive alien species throughout the LIFE perimeter defined on the island, as well as restoration works in marshes on the pilot sites. It also carries out monitoring and communication actions (activities, etc.) in parallel.

The Syndicat d’Aménagement Hydraulique (SAH) du Sud Loire is a territorial collectivity which gathers 7 communities of communes or agglomeration on the departments of Loire Atlantique and Vendée.
Its mission is the integrated management of water resources: preservation and recovery of the quality of water, aquatic environments and watercourses.
The SAH exercises its competence over a hydraulic network serving a territory which extends from the Loire Estuary to the northern part of the Marais Breton.
As part of the management of water levels, the operating department of the SAH manages 40 hydraulic structures as well as a linear of about 750 km of watercourses and streams (primary and secondary network). It carries out maintenance, restoration, development and renewal of works of collective interest, with the aim of obtaining coherent hydraulic management on the territory.
It also conducts studies and works to improve the quality of the environment.
In 2010, the Syndicat acquired a new skill aimed at the balanced management of water resources and aquatic environments (studies, activities and monitoring of works allowing restoration of aquatic environments and water quality).
Within the framework of LIFE Sallina, the SAH is piloting restoration work on the Millac marsh (Villeneuve-en-Retz and Moutiers-en-Retz) which will mainly consist of:
- Restore community habitats and offer nesting sites for waders by initiating actions on around thirty private or public basins and by cleaning up the main network of the Millac marsh.
- Fight against invasive species: Baccharis, Pampas Grass and Invasive Aquatic Rodents over 300 ha;
To find out more about SMBB’s actions in favor of biodiversity, you can consult : http://www.baie-bourgneuf.com/?page_id=138
- Contact
Julie Ayçaguer
Chargée de mission Natura 2000

The Syndicat Mixte de la Baie de Bourgneuf (SMBB) is a local authority with 7 members intermunicipalities located in Loire-Atlantique and Vendée : the Communauté d’Agglomération Pornic Agglo Pays de Retz, the Communauté de communes Sud Retz Atlantique, the Communauté de communes Challans Gois Communauté, the Communauté de communes Océan Marais de Monts, the Communauté de communes de Noirmoutier, the Communauté de communes du Pays de Saint Gilles Croix de Vie and the Communauté de communes Vie et Boulogne.
The SMBB is responsible for the coordination and coordination in the fields of management and protection of water resources and aquatic environments and biodiversity on its territory.
As such, since 2003, he has been piloting the implementation of Natura 2000 under the Birds and Habitats Directives on the site “Marais Breton, Bourgneuf Bay, Île de Noirmoutier and Monts forest”.
It is also the carrying structure of the SAGE of the Marais Breton and the bay of Bourgneuf and its contractual financial tools for implementation on the territory: the Territorial Contract and Regional Watershed Contract.
In the LIFE Sallina project, the SMBB is carrying out actions to improve knowledge about the salt marshes of the Marais Breton and Île de Noirmoutier (habitat mapping, avocet monitoring, etc.) and communication and awareness-raising (interventions for schoolchildren , educational days for professionals…). He co-leads the actions carried out on the Millac pilot site with the Syndicat d’Aménagement Hydraulique du Sud-Loire.

The Conservatoire d’espaces naturels des Pays de la Loire (CEN) is a non-profit-making association under the 1901 law. Not militant, this association shines on all of the Pays de la Loire by relying on its two branches (Loire Océan, based in Nantes and Maine-Anjou based in Le Mans). It is a member of the national federation of Conservatoires which brings together the 29 Conservatoires at the national level.
As such, CEN shares the common values of the CEN Charter and develops knowledge, protection, management and enhancement actions for biodiversity and natural heritage.
In the LIFE Sallina project, rich in its experience on land issues, CEN is in particular in charge of land development on the Guérande and Mès sites (meeting owners, agreements, advice from owners and operators for formalization…). The CEN also has some communication missions.